Produce Stands are a great place to find the best fruits and vegetables.
For the healthiest, best food find something that didn’t come from a factory but a farm stand!
This is where you can purchase fresh real food at the right price.
Plus, you help a small business survive in a world that’s hard to compete in.
We like to go to the flea markets on Sunday afternoon to buy our produce.
Usually at this time they markdown lots of items. They markdown produce.
because it’s perishable and they can’t save it till next weekend.
That’s when we purchase as much as we can at a great discount.
Also driving around town you’ll find produce stands. We stop and check them out when possible.
There is almost always a deal to be had.
We take our fruits and veggies home and get to work. I cut it all up and freeze it in plastic bags.
Freezing all that produce saves lots of money because you buy more at the best price.
And by using the freezer you save it for later, no waste.
Everyone wins at a produce stand. The vendor is able to sell their produce. Farmers have someone selling their products. We save money by purchasing it and the vendor doesn’t have to throw it away.
By using our freezer, we can eat it all later. Less waste is great!
Other great ideas at #RickMercier Click here and here at #FrugalWay click here.
More on Produce Stands check out Mother Earth News article on
“How to start and run a produce stand“.
More saving ideas at FrugalWay.com Click Here
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