Join a drum circle and enjoy the rhythm and dancing.
We found a drum circle in Crystal River on Fort Island Trail at the beach.
None of us knew what to expect at the drum circle but we went to see what it was all about.
When we got to the beach there was nobody there! But we waited till the event time and to our surprise the place was filled with drummers. I couldn’t believe how many folks showed up with their drums and flutes.
There was one lead drummer who started the rhythm and eventually everyone joined in.
It was exciting to watch and join. Shortly after the rhythm got started people got up to dance.
There were all types of dancing going on and that was just more entertainment.
Okay, how do you find a drum circle? There are lots of ways to find them, I use Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Here are some websites for drum circles.
Shannon Ratigan has a great blog on drum circles check it out, DumCircleWorld Blog.
FaceBook has a section dedicated to drum circles groups, Click Here to see.
There is lots of drum circles listed on this page.
Here is another website with some information on some drum circles.
It’s called Drum Circle Facilitators Guild, there you can find people that put on the shows.
For the Tampa Bay area. Treasure Island Drum Circle Click Here.
Crystal River on W. Fort Island Trail at the beach.
They have the circle every 2nd Sunday Facebook information on Citrus County Drummers.
YouTube Video Mar 23/19 from Art Hoffman CLICK HERE
Drum Circles Join One and Enjoy the Rhythm and maybe dance some.
This is a frugal cheap way to enjoy and participate in some fun.
For more ideas for things to do click here
Rick 2023/8/16