Gardening and Dry Goods

Gardening and Dry Goods

Potted plant garden

Everybody should start a small garden in the backyard. This will help you to learn how to become self-sufficient. Learning how to grow plants might help you with your food expenses.

If you live in a home with a small plot of land you can grow food. I use pots for our garden. Fewer problems with bugs and critters. It’s easier to weed and move if needed. I purchase large growing pots at big box stores on a discount sale. Usually costs about $15 dollars if you look around. They sell expensive large pots, but our plan is to save money. These pots are thick plastic and will last many years.

We grow plants for things we like to eat. Our focus is on tomatoes, peppers and spices. They are easy to grow and can save some money. Tomatoes and peppers are not cheap. Also, the tomatoes you buy at the store don’t have much flavor.  We are growing more than we can eat. The plan now is to investigate canning. We also intend to share some of our bounty with friends and neighbors.

Buy some 30-gallon plastic garbage cans from Wal-Mart to hold water.
I use about six thirty-gallon garbage cans to collect water coming off our roof.
This water is used on plants. Plus, it’s a source of water for us if we need it.

We also collect a reasonable number of dry foods and can goods we find on sale.

I have had problems with bugs in some of our dry foods. Rice and flour usually come with mites. You don’t see them initially but over time they will start growing. A trick that I learned to minimize that problem is to freeze everything. After a few months in the freezer the bugs are usually gone. Knowing there are always bugs in the rice I always rinse it before cooking.

Rick 2025-2-14